Oh Boy! News!

Posted on May 16th, 2012

 Happy spring!  We've been somewhat quiet for a few months but we have some big updates for you!

1) The Peace Be Still LP's are in! If you ordered one or the special bundle, they were just shipped out today.  However, if you ordered the William Bonney record in addition to that, those shipments will be made once the William Bonney record comes in.  Speaking of which...

2) William Bonney records are being made!  We should be getting the test presses in the next week or two, and after that we just need to do the screen printing on them.  Everything is going according to schedule and we hope to have these completed by early July.  Definitely before their tour beginning on July 12th.  As far as the orders go, we will most likely reopen them to be ordered once they are done.  If you haven't already, send an e-mail to info@sigdrecords.com to be part of the group that will be the first to know specifically what day the orders go back up. Otherwise, just check back here now and again!

3) We are co-releasing another record with Carucage Records!  I really liked working with these guys with the Adaje/Lizards Have Personalities split, so when they approached me about another venture, I said sure!  Carucage hasn't announced the bands involved yet, so I won't divulge that just yet.  Eh, fuck it.  It's these guys and these guys.  I listened to some of the tracks and I am excited about this one!

4) We will not be shipping any orders from now until the 28th.  This is both good news and bad news I guess.  Bad news because, if you order from now until the 28th it most likely won't get shipped out until June.  The good news is that we can't ship them because we are hitting the road with Peace Be Still.  SIGD Records will have a table at Pouzza Fest in Montreal and then will be helping sell merchandise on the road.  This is a great opportunity for us and I can't wait to see some of the bands that are sharing the stage with them.  The beer will be fun too.

5) The site is getting the world's slowest makeover!  Whenever I say "we", I mean the people behind this record label.  And when I say "people behind this record label", I mean myself and Lori.  I update the look of the site when I have time, but we also need to make time for: promotion, booking shows, our day jobs, and putting out records of course!  We love doing this, but it makes things like designing cool websites take time.  So, take a look around and in the next couple months the site will slowly change into something that is a little prettier.