All Caught Up! Peace Be Still on Sale! Chalk Talk Preorders! Adaje!

Posted on July 17th, 2012

Chalk Talk at Bramble Jam 2

We are officially all caught up with our orders (except with the ones from today, they will go out first thing tomorrow).  Although taking on a project of this proportion was mind-numbing and difficult, I look forward to putting out another album that has the success that the William Bonney record had.  This whole label has been a learning process and one thing I want to make better right off the bat is keeping track of order/address changes.  With the length it took to create the William Bonney records from the day the preorders started, there were lots of changes of address and orders.  I tried my best, but there were some changes that slipped between the cracks.  Next time, I hope to have a much better/efficient protocol for recording these changes so that not one order is shipped out incorrectly.  In other news:

1) Chalk Talk is prepping for their European Tour with Everyone Everywhere, and the Bad Influences records should be arriving this week.  Then they will be screenprinted and ready to go.  Preorders/bundles for this collaborative effort can be made at the Sex Cave Records store.  We are really pushing hard for this EP to help these guys on their first journey across the pond.

2) Adaje is in full on tour mode, check out the rest of their dates.

3) Starting right now, when you order the William Bonney record and Peace Be Still record, we will take 3 dollars off the cost of the order.  That's like getting the PBS record for $7.  If you aren't sure, download the PBS album for free and I will let the music speak for itself.  Got nothing to lose! This will be for a limited time!  Take advantage!

4) I am still waiting for a couple people to either give me their mailing address or their shirt size for the William Bonney bundles.  Please, please, please check your e-mails!  If for some reason you do not receive your record this week, let me know so we can correct any issue.